Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Buffy and Angel Comics: Vlog Review

Greetings and salutations, dear readers, old and new. Today is not only an important day in the 'verse but also for our little site. Forbidden Planet (my favorite comic book shoppe) has graciously agreed to include free Buffyfest inserts (read: awesomely smexy bookmarks) with the purchase of any Buffy or Angel related fare. These are some tasty hotcakes though, kids, so they be goin' fast!

In honor of our newfound readership and the release of both new Buffy and Angel comics today, we present to you Bitsy's Bearded Buffyfest Review! Please enjoy with Darjeeling.

Spoiler Alert below for current Buffy comics:

In conclusion: welcome once again to our new readers. Feel free to take a gander around this little site of ours. Since you are likely (like me) a comic book nerd, might I reccommend our recent articles with Peter David and Scott Allie? Go on. Click 'em. You know you want to.

P.S. You can follow Forbidden Planet on Twitter here

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